Biographies of Astronaut and Cosmonaut Candidates



People's Republic of China

Personal data

Birthdate:  ??.??.1936
Birthplace:  Changde, Hunan Province
Marital status:  
Selection date:  15.03.1971
Position:  Pilot
Status:  Ret. 13.05.1972

Additional information

Military service in the Chinese Air Force; in 1996 he brought down the American high-altitude pilotless reconnaissance aircraft AQM-34; later he became Commander of the 7th Corps of the Chinese Air Force and then Deputy Commander of the 7th Air Force NOAK; on 15.03.1971 he was selected as a candidate of an early taikonaut group; this program was stopped on 13.05.1972 due financial problems.


Last update on April 30, 2018.